The new urban quarter is embedded between high-ranking infrastructure axes. A key objective is to protect the neighbourhood from noise sources in the surrounding area, while at the same time connecting and linking it to the neighbourhood in order to exploit existing synergies.
Noise-insensitive uses such as offices, a medical centre and a hotel form the edges. The low buildings define the edges of the area and enclose the open space.
Residential uses are set apart from the noisy edges and are grouped around the common green centre. A mutual twisting of the volumes allows all façade surfaces an unobstructed view and exposure to light.
The polygonal building typology creates a significant figure in the urban space. It defines the neighbourhood and offers a high recognition value and identification factor in the urban silhouette.
A generous band of open space with park-like expansions forms the green centre of the neighbourhood and features a variety of effective measures for climate crisis adaptation. The central areas are unsealed and have entirely water-permeable surfaces.
Competition 2023: 2nd prize
Landscape architecture: 3zu0 Landschaftsarchitektur